RGS Room to Read Chapter

Sorry for the hiatus over the past couple of days, I suppose it’ll be happening a little more often now that school is starting for real; I’ll probably only find myself here blogging when I need a special space to think. I wanted to say that two days ago I made an announcement with the RGS Room to Read Advocacy Team beginning the first of our self initiatied movements and it was the most amazing and exhilarating experiences I’ve had since 2014 started- so here I shall tell you our story.

It dates back to the time I posted this and asked for support from the RGS Community, and they were few of the passionate ones that replied enthusiastically and efficiently indicating their clear interest and commitment. It was inspiring and very much a pleasant surprise. I think the beautiful thing is that we have come together for a shared vision we see value in- raising awareness and funds to support Room to Read Organisation with their work. 

It may look like yet another initiative raising money and educating, but beyond that, we hope to cultivate a sense of empathy that comes with the knowledge and awareness. With the understanding of global issues related to literacy, we hope to give local students (especially the RGS Community) a bigger idea of the literacy platform around the world, and how privileged we are to be standing at the pinnacle, receiving the luxury of quality education in well-equipped schools and trained educators. It would be hard to be thankful for all this without being exposed to the larger picture. So if you see value in what our chapter does and if you appreciate the platform of empowerment (where RGS students may contribute to this cause/ further understand these issues), do support us on our social networking platforms and stay tuned for more: https://www.facebook.com/rgsroomtoread or (Instagram) @rgsroomtoread 



At this point I also want to thank this team for their courage in stepping out of their comfort zones, and mustering the courage to take the first step to doing something for a bunch they care about. Some of us live by our lives doing countless things that give us recognition and certificates, but if it was all out of hoping to ‘succeed in life’ which no one actually proved to be necessarily possible just with portfolio, then one would’ve become but a robot of society. 

After all, the purpose of life is a life of purpose. And for this team I am so proud of, we have stepped out ever since ready for more heartwork and hardwork. That, I believe, will bring us all a long way from here. 


8 thoughts on “RGS Room to Read Chapter”

  1. […] Two years back, I had found myself in the seat beside a handful of other RGS girls along with Ms. Cheong, who had brought us to the event just to be there, listening. And the special thing about this event, is that the intimacy of the stories never fails to tug at your heartstrings at one point or the other, and make you question the things larger than yourself. Two years ago was the first time I experienced that. Sitting in the comfortable red seats of Kallang Theatre, I listened as Mr. Chris Varney, the Youth Ambassador of World Vision Australia shared his story about driving through the streets of developing countries and giving out freshwater. This story gave me the extra push I needed to begin thinking about what I really wanted and could possibly do about the third world problems– and in the subsequent years, I found myself Sponsoring a Child with the class (even to today) and founding the Room to Read RGS Chapter (alongside my very capable team I am immensely grateful for). […]

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