In 2065: We Ourselves

Written two days ago:

Today we’re on the roads. We are exactly midway in our retreat to the United States and by tonight, we will be in Colorado Springs resting before our flight back to Chicago tomorrow. Moments away from my siblings have been time for myself to read, watch films online and write. Sometimes, I think about the impending 2016 and the exciting (or scary, uncertain) things ahead. Other times, I immerse myself in the thoughts of authors I have come to respect greatly. Kishore Mahbubani has been one such author, his Can Singapore Survive was thought provoking to say the least.

This is the last in a series of three pieces (find the first here and the second here) on my hopes and dreams for Singapore by 2065. Inspired very much by the ideas of Mahbubani, we discuss 2065 at this point as we will soon welcome a new year, which begins the chapter that tells the story of the next fifty years for Singapore. I believe in the power of individuals and that of our influence. So to secure these dreams of 2065, it depends on me as much as it depends on you. This is exactly what this last piece is about – individual responsibility.

It is undeniable that good governance has brought us a long way in the last 50 years. We learn in history that Singapore’s economic miracle can be attributed largely to the judiciousness and principles of governance in our early years. I read over and over in Can Singapore Survive about the standard of excellence that Singapore’s public service upholds and I begin to develop a new level of appreciation for the good governance that we enjoy to today. Mahbubani argues that this is abnormal – societies similar to ours tend to experience political instability or a decline in standards of governance (or both) over time. Then, it is only a matter of time that statistical probability kicks in and Singapore suffers from this similar decline. I am not saying it will happen, I am saying it might.

Relevant to the previous piece on the importance of foreseeing failure, we must be prepared for the unthinkable to brace ourselves for any downturn as effectively as possible. This is one. The ‘preparation’ against this would be individual responsibility. A simple way to begin is to start picking litter for ourselves in public spaces. We are notorious for the army (literally) of cleaners we employ to keep our Garden City clean. I hope to propose to you how beneficial it might be for us to take individual responsibility and pick litter up for ourselves. This simple move will not only benefit us economically by reducing the amount spent on employing these cleaners, but also feed our Singapore soul. This act of taking personal responsibility for problems of the nation will bind Singaporeans together in a way that exists only minimally today – the solidarity from the knowledge that we, Singaporeans, care for one another and our shared problems, will be food to our Singapore soul. Imagine that.

We’ve had enough nation building in the past 50 years in the literal sense. The physical infrastructure will suffice for now as our pioneers have, with foresight, created a generation of Singaporeans leading these institutions that will pursue improvement endlessly. It’s time to build the nation’s heart and soul, and it begins with us Singaporeans. I finished the inspiring read last night and it ended with a rhetorical question: Do Singaporeans know what the national anthem means by heart? Why or why not? A question well asked – if we are to take individual responsibility for the nation and its future, then perhaps we could start from the fundamental virtues our pioneers built this nation upon.

Majulah Singapura, here’s to a great 2016!

we ourselves

Head Fake

Thunderstorm in Dallas not too long ago has left the Colorado Springs Airport slightly more crowded than it was hours earlier because of the numerous flights that got delayed (including ours). We surrendered the car we had rented earlier this noon so as not to incur extra day charges and have been camping out in the airport ever since. A far cry from the International Airport we have back at home that I now miss dearly, this one’s smaller – you can walk from one end of the Departure Hall to the other within a minute. Perhaps ten at most, if you crawled by your steps at snail’s pace. Armed with my handy-dandy (version super-old) MacBook and time for reflection, I sit facing the glass panels that stretch from the floor to the ceiling revealing the stellar night view of the runway.

This one is about “head fakes”. In my recent read while in Colorado titled The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, he described how “head fake” (a term used by athletes), to him could refer to indirect learning from an experience, akin to an actual head fake. He used “head fake” as a term that refers to a situation where you think you’re learning about something, but actually turn out to be learning something different. For example, when you learn sports, it is a “head fake” because what you’re truly learning is not the sport in itself – not the kicking, throwing and dribbling. It is the sportsmanship, the stamina in face of rigour and the perseverance in picking oneself up from failure. The latter are the lessons that will shape the people we become from having learned sports, arguably more valuable in the long run.

Midway through my luxury of a month-long traveling retreat (which my friend Desmond kindly summarizes as “traveling around the world in one month”), I think I might conclude that this holiday is a “head fake” in itself. The assets on this trip are not quite the airplane rides, not the experience in snow or the sledding and snowshoeing. The exhilaration from being in a new environment to witness alternative lifestyles (especially the pace of living), cultures and weather is real but it wouldn’t be enduring through time. Instead, the true gain comes from my learning to slow down and the time away from familiarity. [1] Away from the hustle and bustle of Singapore, I can fully, deeply experience the quality time with my siblings and appreciate their perks to the very smallest ones – I am increasingly reminded of how blessed I am to have siblings I would choose to be friends with any day. [2] The unfamiliarity here has me opening my eyes a little wider, looking a little harder and paying attention to the every detail in the people I meet and places I go. And as my favourite literature teacher once taught us: you learn the most when you are observant of the stories of strangers around you everyday. [3] There is also an enhanced sense of mindfulness because I hope to think deeply about how I feel whenever I can, with my limited time detached from the obligations of being a “post-A level graduate”. The time for reflection and relaxation is truly rewarding.

Those are the “head fakes” of my month-long retreat, of which I’m only halfway through and looking forward to more. Here’s to being mindful for the actual treasures of the moments we experience. Embrace the “head fakes”.

head fake